
Quarry project exploration.

Strada Aggregates (Strada) has been operating an existing 360 acre above water sand and gravel pit in the area of 4th Line and County Rd. 17 in the Township of Melancthon, County of Dufferin since 2004. Recently Strada initiated undertaking the field work and technical studies required to determine the feasibility of developing a quarry that would extract and process consolidated dolostone bedrock below the water table within the same footprint of the existing pit. These field investigations are ongoing.

The proposed quarry is being designed to ship 2,000,000 tonnes per year from the site and will continue to use the existing entrance/exits and existing haul route. Initial processing for the quarry material will utilize a portable processing plant on the quarry floor that follows the extraction face. Ultimately the quarry will progress to utilize a primary crusher that is located on the quarry floor and follows the quarry face with secondary processing of the quarry material occurring at a permanent processing plant area in the southern portion of the site. The quarry material will be transported via conveyor from the primary crusher to the permanent processing plant area.

Strada has engaged in discussions with NDACT and the local community, expressing their commitment to openness, transparency, science based decision making and community engagement throughout this process. As part of this commitment, Strada and NDACT have worked diligently together on an Agreement that sets out the rules of engagement and commitments for both Strada and NDACT during all phases of development of the proposed quarry. The schedules that form this agreement are available for viewing in the DOCUMENTS tab.

The following technical studies and plans are being completed to determine feasibility of the proposed quarry as part of potential future applications. Please note that any study marked with an * will be peer reviewed by NDACT in accordance with the above noted agreement:

  • Planning Justification Report
  • Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans
  • Hydrogeological and Hydrological Studies*
  • Natural Environment Study*
  • Archaeological Study
  • Cultural Heritage Study
  • Traffic Impact Assessment
  • Noise Impact Assessment*
  • Agricultural Impact Assessment
  • Air Quality Assessment*
  • Blasting Impact Assessment*


If the technical studies conclude a quarry could operate without any adverse environmental effects, Strada would apply for a quarry licence. The quarry approvals process in Ontario generally takes a number of years while reviews of the studies are being completed and comments from government experts, independent specialists and the public are being addressed.

Public input is important throughout the process. Details of public information sessions and opportunities for input will be posted on the Outreach page as they are scheduled. You can also join our mailing list to get regular project updates. Just fill out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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